Kefir Diet

One percent fat kefir is the main and necessary product of the kefir diet

  • Efficiency: 4-6 kg in 7 days
  • Deadlines: 7 days

General rules

The birthplace of kefir is at the foot of Mount Elbrus, the Caucasus is a great health resort. It is only fitting that this invigorating and healing drink appeared there. For a long time, the secret of making kefir was known to few and was passed on in the family from father to son in the same way, for example, French cheesemakers passed the secrets of making their signature cheese. That is why kefir began to be produced recently - only at the beginning of the 20th century. And the very legend of the appearance of this fermented dairy product is very exciting!

In 1908, a beautiful young graduate of a dairy school and an employee of a dairy company went to the North Caucasus, accompanied by a partner, to discover the secret of making kefir. But before this secret was revealed, Prince Karachai fell in love with the girl. For a whole month they stayed in their mansions, traveled through the villages and tried to obtain kefir fungi. But their efforts were in vain. Desperate, the researchers decided to head home, but the knights who kidnapped the girl blocked the way. She came to her senses in an unknown shrine, when the prince was already beside her with a magnificent bouquet of flowers and offered to become his wife. But she wasn't there! The girl's partner turned to the police and the kidnapping case went to court. But the local judge did not want to spoil relations with the noble kefir magnate and begged the girl to forgive him. She forgave, but in exchange for 4. 5 kg of dried kefir fungi.

What kefir is useful?

To make the kefir diet a success, you need to use 1% kefir (40 kcal per 100 g). Its properties are the same as those of 2. 5% (55 kcal per 100 g), and the fat content and calorie content are lower, which, of course, is just for our advantage.

The production of kefir is controlled by the interstate standard (GOST), according to which 100 g of a quality product must contain:

  • 2. 8 g of protein;
  • from 0. 5 to 8. 9% fat.

The shelf life of kefir is one of the indicators of its quality. The long shelf life indicates that additives were used in its production that prevent the development of microorganisms. The bacteria in this kefir sleep until the bottle is opened and oxygen enters it. Therefore, these fermented dairy products with a long shelf life, when opened, lose all their valuable properties and deteriorate in less than a day, even if they are in the fridge.

What can replace kefir in the diet?

The easiest option to replace kefir is a fermented milk drink with a similar composition and production method: boiled fermented milk, natural yogurt without additives, ayran - all this is a great alternative to kefir and is always on store shelves.

How long can you sit on a kefir diet?

Of course, only your doctor can prescribe the duration of any diet. However, if you decide on your own to stick to a diet for a while, you should start with your own feelings and well-being. First, the diet is designed to benefit you. If the diet makes you hungry, there is a breakdown,depression, dizziness, faintingthen you need to change your diet.

In turn, the safest duration for a kefir diet is 3-5 days, as long as you carefully manage your well-being.

To the question of how to properly sit on a kefir diet: choose the highest quality and freshest products that you are 100% sure of. Stock up on starters if you decide to make your own kefir, or find a store nearby that sells kefir that meets dietary needs so you don't buy the first one you find.

How to cook diet kefir?

In addition to the usual kefir, you can and even need to prepare several kefir cocktails so that the weight loss process is more effective. Plus, you can drink these cocktails while sticking to their classic, non-diet menu.

Kefir with Cinnamon and Ginger

To prepare a fat burning cocktail, you will need:

  • 200 ml of 1% kefir;
  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon;
  • a pinch of red pepper;
  • 2 teaspoons of chopped ginger root.

Kefir with a secret

The secret of such kefir lies in your imagination. You can add anything: cucumber, herbs, oatmeal, fruit, dried fruit. Ingredients can be chopped in a blender, you can simply chop and add to kefir. Here you can experiment as you like, the main thing is with allowed and compatible products.


Mono-diet kefir has a large number of menu options and duration options. Only you can choose the best for your body. But believe me, all the proposed options are effective and useful in their own way.

Such a diet is intended and indicated for both men and women, if they do not suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the kidneys, liver, heart, high acidity of the stomach and chronic diseases.

Diet "Chicken, apple and kefir"

A simple and very popular variation of the diet is based on the fact that every 3 days you eat all these foods separately:

First step

For three days you eat only chicken meat, no more than 500 g a day. It is not recommended to fry the chicken, it is better to bake it, without oil and salt, of course, or boil it. Divide into several parts to make 3-4 meals.

Second level

Here you just need to eat apples anyway: it can be fresh, it can be baked. Here, sour green apples are recommended for consumption: they contain less carbohydrates.

third stage

In the last phase of the diet, you need to drink only 1% fat kefir in any amount. It will be ideal if you drink a kefir cocktail with cinnamon and ginger at least once a day, the recipe for which is presented above.

Kefir Diet for 3 days

This diet option helps to eliminate 3-5 kg of excess weight and gently cleanse the body in a short time. For 3 days, you need to drink 1. 5-2 liters of kefir daily, distributing it over several meals. If your body does not tolerate such a monotonous diet, you cannot add more than 1 kg of vegetables or fruits to the menu.

Homemade kefir for quick weight loss

The 3-day kefir diet has a downside - there may be slight discomfort,diarrhea and bloating.

If the side effects seem insignificant to you and the result is satisfactory, we recommend that you later try a longer kefir diet, for example for 4 days or 5 days.

A 4-day diet may seem like a 3-day diet, but a 5-day diet should already be more varied. During the day, you can eat cooked meat, vegetables, eggs, dried fruits, fruits in small amounts. And, of course, drink up to 2 liters of kefir daily.

". . . I consider kefir the real salvation for those who are overweight, and the reviews about its benefits are only positive. It is easy to lose weight with kefir, because 100 g does not contain more than 50 kcal, and you can get the enough very well. In general, in the last few months I fell in love with kefir, I constantly do a fasting day once a week, and I also often use a kefir diet for 3 days: with your help, I lost 2. 5 kg, my body cleaned up perfectly!

Kefir Diet for 7 days

Losing weight on a kefir diet by 10 kg in 7 days is quite possible. The main thing is to follow the basic principles of this quick weight loss method:

  • the main product is kefir, additional - low-calorie protein products;
  • it is necessary to follow a strict daily routine - 5-6 meals every 2 hours;
  • you cannot limit yourself to pure purified water and green or herbal tea.

Here are some possible meal plans that the 7-Day Kefir Diet offers:

The first day

400 g of boiled or baked potatoes.

Second day

400 g of fat-free cottage cheese.

Day three

400 g of unsweetened fruit.

day four

400 g cooked or roasted chicken or turkey fillet.

Day five

400 g of unsweetened fruit.

sixth day
  • 1. 5-2 liters of purified water;
  • weak tea without sugar.
day seven

400 g of unsweetened fruit.

Every day (except for the sixth day) you need to drink 1. 5 liters of 1% kefir.

protein kefir diet

Lined up according to the same scheme, but two days of fruit will need to be replaced with days of meat: you will eat 400 g of chicken or turkey fillet, steamed, boiled or roasted. It is worth remembering that you cannot use salt, but you can improve the taste of dishes with the help of herbs (basil, rosemary, mint), herbs.

Of course, you can resort to the "hungry" version of the seven-day diet. Here you need to drink up to 2 liters of kefir daily and reduce the serving size of additional products to 100 g.

So, it's very simple that in just one week you can have a big transformation by losing up to 10 kg with the help of a kefir diet.

". . . After the child was born, I visibly recovered. It was then that a friend advised a kefir-based diet. I read the reviews and immediately accepted. She was very comfortable and easy for me! This weekly diet allowed me to get rid of it. 4 kg! Then I took a week break, went back on a diet, and lost another 3 kg. This is a great result for me! And, in general, I love kefir: it is healthy and tasty, and it works wonders for the figure. I recommend! "

Kefir Diet for 9 days

Don't be afraid to sit for 9 days on kefir. This variation of the kefir diet allows you to say goodbye to 3-7 kg and get excellent shapes in no time.

First step

For the first three days, your menu consists of 1% fat kefir in any quantity and 100 g of boiled buckwheat porridge without salt.

Second level

Here you also drink 1% fat kefir, and buckwheat porridge is replaced with boiled chicken fillet, 100 g per day.

third stage

In the last phase of the diet, you cannot limit yourself to sour green apples and kefir.

  • ". . . I read good reviews on the web about the 9 day diet of kefir, chicken and apple, I decided to definitely give it a try. The first stage is 3 days with chicken, the second with apples and the last with kefir. What can I say , it is unbearable. Either my body is not adapted to such torture, or, in fact, the diet is harsh, but on the first day of the apple I broke and 3 days on the chicken gave absolutely no results, there is nothing to brag about ";
  • ". . . I decided to try a diet option where, in addition to kefir, you can eat buckwheat, chicken and apple, mixed together. All 9 days passed quite easily, the main thing is to get busy and not think about food. result was very satisfied: 5 kg less in 9 days is excellent for me!

Kefir Diet for 21 days

As such, this long-term diet has no menu for 21 days. Instead, it contains general recommendations for proper and balanced nutrition.

Kefir 1% fat is the key product here, which should be consumed in a glass 5-6 times a day.

With such a long diet, you need to reconsider your diet and, in addition to healthy kefir, include fresh vegetables and fruits in your menu in large quantities and get rid of harmful smoked meats, alcohol, white bread, store-bought sweets, fried and fatty foods.

In addition, the amount of red meat in the diet should be reduced to once a week, and poultry and fish should not be consumed more than 100 g per day.

Simply put, the number of calories per day should not exceed 1500 kcal. And here you have to choose: dinner with a kilo of vegetables or a sandwich with sausage.

It is said that this diet has a great effect on digestion and figure, and when you start eating according to this system, you get used to it and you don't want to give up.

approved products

Of course, the most important and necessary product for this diet is kefir and its variations. If you don't like a sour drink, you can also drink ryazhenka, ayran. Yogurt, by the way, can also be drunk, but make sure it's sugar-free and additive-free. Buy natural and on your own, if you wish, add cereal, fruit, dried fruit there - as your heart desires.

In addition to kefir, if you cannot tolerate the monotony of your diet, you can include additional healthy foods. In large amounts, you can eat vegetables and fruits (except bananas and grapes). In moderation, you can eat poultry and fish - dishes that you steam, boil or bake without salt, oil, hot spices. But you can use fragrant basil, rosemary, mint, oregano.

In some cases, you can eat cereal on a kefir diet, but not just any: replace white rice with brown rice, unprocessed instant oatmeal.

Allowed products table

proteins, g fats, g carbohydrates, g calories, kcal
vegetables and greens
cabbage 1, 8 0, 1 4. 7 27
broccoli 3. 0 0, 4 5. 2 28
cilantro 2. 1 0. 5 1, 9 23
corn 3, 5 2, 8 15, 6 101
green onion 1. 3 0, 0 4. 6 19
red onion 1, 4 0, 0 9. 1 42
onion 1, 4 0, 0 10, 4 41
olives 2. 2 10, 5 5. 1 166
carrot 1. 3 0, 1 6. 9 32
chickpea 19. 0 6. 0 61. 0 364
cucumbers 0, 8 0, 1 2, 8 fifteen
pepper salad 1. 3 0, 0 5. 3 27
parsley 3. 7 0, 4 7. 6 47
radish 1. 2 0, 1 3. 4 19
white radish 1, 4 0, 0 4. 1 21
salad 1. 2 0, 3 1. 3 12
beet 1, 5 0, 1 8, 8 40
celery 0, 9 0, 1 2. 1 12
asparagus 1, 9 0, 1 3. 1 twenty
tomatoes 0, 6 0, 2 4. 2 twenty
garlic 6, 5 0. 5 29, 9 143
lentils 24. 0 1, 5 42, 7 284
avocado 2. 0 20. 0 7. 4 208
oranges 0, 9 0, 2 8. 1 36
watermelon 0, 6 0, 1 5, 8 25
bananas 1, 5 0, 2 21, 8 95
cherry 0, 8 0. 5 11. 3 52
grapefruit 0, 7 0, 2 6, 5 29
Melon 0, 6 0, 3 7. 4 33
figs 0, 7 0, 2 13, 7 49
Kiwi 1. 0 0, 6 10. 3 48
lime 0, 9 0, 1 3. 0 16
lemons 0, 9 0, 1 3. 0 16
mango 0. 5 0, 3 11. 5 67
nectarine 0, 9 0, 2 11, 8 48
apples 0, 4 0, 4 9, 8 47
grape 0, 6 0, 2 16, 8 65
sea buckthorn 1. 2 5. 4 5. 7 82
currant 1. 0 0, 4 7, 5 43
fresh champignons 4. 3 1. 0 1. 0 27
Nuts and dried fruits
peanut 26, 3 45, 2 9, 9 551
nuts 15. 2 65, 2 7. 0 654
raisin 2. 9 0, 6 66. 0 264
cashew nut 25, 7 54. 1 13. 2 643
almond 18, 6 57, 7 16. 2 645
flax seeds 18, 3 42. 2 28, 9 534
dates 2, 5 0. 5 69, 2 274
pistachios 20. 0 50. 0 7. 0 556
Cereals and cereals
buckwheat 4, 5 2. 3 25. 0 132
oat 3. 2 4. 1 14. 2 102
bulgur 12. 3 1. 3 57, 6 342
barley porridge 3. 1 0, 4 22. 2 109
brown rice 7. 4 1, 8 72, 9 337
barley porridge 3. 6 2. 0 19, 8 111
flour and pasta
first class noodles 10, 7 1. 3 68, 4 335
Bakery products
bread with bran 7, 5 1. 3 45, 2 227
bitter chocolate 6. 2 35, 4 48, 2 539
Raw materials and seasonings
basil 2, 5 0, 6 4. 3 27
kefir 1% 2, 8 1. 0 4. 0 40
chicken breast 23. 2 1, 7 0, 0 114
chicken eggs 12, 7 10, 9 0, 7 157
Fish and seafood
sole 16, 5 1, 8 0, 0 83
pollock 15, 9 0, 9 0, 0 72
Soft drinks
Green tea 0, 0 0, 0 0, 0 -
* data is per 100 g of product

Totally or partially restricted products

First of all, the products prohibited during the kefir diet and the classic non-dietary diet are carbonated drinks: they alter the acid-base balance of the body, so the use of kefir will be useless, if not dangerous, this combination.

Eliminate white bread and replace with wholemeal or cereal bread. In a week, you will notice the external transformation of the skin, and after 2 months, and figures.

Forget sausages, smoked meats, dry and canned foods, sweets bought for a simple reason: you will never know their real composition, the amount of salt, sugar, fat and you will not track the quality of raw materials. Simply put, forget about the products that were prepared for you.

And the last thing to give up is alcohol. It is bad for your body due to its high calorie content and the fact that it dehydrates the body.

Table of prohibited products

proteins, g fats, g carbohydrates, g calories, kcal
French fries 5, 5 30. 0 53. 0 520
flour and pasta
flour 9. 2 1. 2 74, 9 342
pasta 10, 4 1. 1 69, 7 337
Bakery products
Sliced bread 7, 5 2. 9 50, 9 264
bread 7, 5 2. 1 46, 4 227
candy 4. 3 19, 8 67, 5 453
cookie 7, 5 11, 8 74, 9 417
Ice cream
Ice cream 3. 7 6. 9 22. 1 189
milk chocolate 5. 7 27, 9 61, 4 522
Raw materials and seasonings
ketchup 1, 8 1. 0 22. 2 93
Mayo 2. 4 67. 0 3. 9 627
sugar 0, 0 0, 0 99. 7 398
salt 0, 0 0, 0 0, 0 -
kefir 3. 2% 2, 8 3. 2 4. 1 56
miracle yogurt 2, 8 2. 4 14, 5 91
activity quick breakfast 4, 8 3. 1 14, 4 107
cheese and curd
cottage cheese with raisins 6, 8 21, 6 29, 9 343
meat products
pork 16. 0 21, 6 0, 0 259
Hall 2. 4 89. 0 0, 0 797
Ram 15, 6 16, 3 0, 0 209
cooked sausage 13, 7 22, 8 0, 0 260
w/ smoked sausage 28. 2 27, 5 0, 0 360
sausages 10. 1 31, 6 1, 9 332
sausages 12. 3 25, 3 0, 0 277
Oil and fat
unrefined vegetable oil 0, 0 99. 0 0, 0 899
butter 0. 5 82. 5 0, 8 748
Alcoholic beverages
white dessert wine 16% 0. 5 0, 0 16. 0 153
vodka 0, 0 0, 0 0, 1 235
Beer 0, 3 0, 0 4. 6 42
* data is per 100 g of product

Kefir diet dishes

Of course, most dishes where kefir is used are sweet. With it, it is airy, light, less caloric than when using sour cream.

Homemade oatmeal cookies on kefir diet

Oatmeal cookies

You will need:

  • 300 ml of 1% fat kefir;
  • 100 g of raisins;
  • 300 g of oats;
  • 20g of butter;
  • 2 spoons of honey;
  • a pinch of cinnamon;
  • a pinch of vanilla.

First, prepare the oatmeal: pour the cereal into a deep bowl and pour the kefir for 40 minutes to swell. Then pour boiling water over the raisins for 20 minutes to soften, dry the raisins with a napkin. When the oats are ready, add the raisins, cinnamon, vanilla, honey and mix well.

Form a cookie: it shouldn't be too flat. Place on a buttered baking sheet and send to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

You can have breakfast, following a kefir diet, with delicious diet pancakes

Diet pancakes on kefir

To reduce the calorie content of these breakfast muffins, you can also cook them with ground oatmeal instead of flour.

You will need:

  • 50 g of oats;
  • 80 ml of 1% fat kefir;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • ¼ teaspoon of baking powder;
  • 2 teaspoons of honey.

Mix the crushed oats with the kefir and let it ferment for 20 minutes. Then add the yeast, honey and mix well. Fry the pancakes in a nonstick skillet without adding oil until golden.

Pancakes on kefir - a low-calorie dessert on the kefir diet menu

Recipe for diet pancakes on kefir

You will need:

  • 500 ml of 1% fat kefir;
  • 1 cup flour (oats, buckwheat or rye);
  • 3 spoons of honey;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • a bit of salt;
  • ½ teaspoon of soda.

Beat the chicken eggs, add a pinch of salt, honey and flour mixed with soda. Stir and pour the kefir. Mix well again so that there are no lumps and fry the pancakes in a non-stick pan without adding oil.

You can serve these diet pancakes without additives or fill them with fat-free cottage cheese with raisins or fruit. You will have an excellent low-calorie dessert!

in case of breakdown

In order not to fall off the diet, you need to properly prepare for it. Nutritionists advise a week before starting the real diet to start gradually reducing the number of calories consumed: no more than 1400 kcal per day. In addition, for the successful completion of the diet, it is necessary to exclude harmful foods from the diet in advance, so that a sharp transition to the diet does not become a big stress: sweets, sweets, fried and salted.

And one of the main points is the water. Get used to the fact that it is desirable to quench the feeling of hunger with a glass of warm water or a cup of weak green tea, because the human body often confuses hunger and thirst.

However, if there was a meltdown during the kefir diet, then you certainly should not panic. Let you eat a sandwich with butter, sausage and cheese, and drink sweet tea. You can always stop and get yourself together, and the best way to do that is through physical activity. Go for a run or a walk, then drink a cup of yogurt and get back on the diet on the condition that you extend it for another day.

Also, on the 5, 9 and 21 day kefir diets you can organize the so-called "mill": a pre-planned day where you can pay for a small weakness, be it a piece of chocolate, sausage, a handful of potatoes fries - something you love very much, but because of diet, you refuse. But organizing these days is rare. If you lose weight for 5 and 9 days then the "chitmill" will only be one time, but if it is 21 days then there will be no more than three days. Also, if you decide to introduce a "chitmill" into your diet, it is strictly forbidden to intercept "harmfulness" on other days.

How to get off the kefir diet?

Lost weight can quickly come back to you, sometimes doubled, if you skip a proper diet after a diet.

In no case do not relax, admiring the transformed figure! It would be better to very gradually increase the calorie content of the foods you eat, introducing new foods, as well as strictly controlling portion sizes.


The diet is prohibited for people suffering from high stomach acidity,chronic gastritis, duodenal and stomach ulcer, just as a contraindication is adolescence.

During pregnancy and lactation

The diet is contraindicatedpregnancyandbreast-feeding.

Kefir diet, pros and cons

As with any diet, there are benefits and harms. However, kefir definitely does more good than harm with its reasonable use.

pros cons
  • The high efficiency of this weight loss method, especially in combination with physical activity.
  • Easy tolerability of the diet due to the quite complete composition of fermented dairy products.
  • Gentle and natural cleansing of the body.
  • Enriching the body with high quality protein.
  • Kefir is easy to replace with other fermented dairy drinks.
  • With prolonged diet, disturbances in the digestive system are likely: rumbling in the abdomen, flatulence, bloating.
  • The diuretic effect of kefir relieves bloating, but makes you constantly close to the bathroom.
  • Kefir should not be drunk by people suffering from high stomach acidity, chronic gastritis, as well as children under 8 months.

Kefir diet, reviews and results

The kefir method of losing weight is now very popular, as evidenced by numerous reviews of people who have lost weight, both positive and negative. Basically, of course, both men and women say that this is an effective way to lose weight without harming and even improving the body.

Woman before and after losing weight on a kefir diet
  • ". . . Reviews about the kefir diet for 3 days I heard were very positive. Nothing complicated: you drink kefir and you lose weight. And indeed, you lose weight perfectly! My weight was 75 kg on the morning of the fourth day - 72. 3 kg. As for me, this is a good result! ";
  • ". . . I'm a fan of the kefir diet and my main principle when I sit on it is to cook kefir exclusively on my own. After all, the diet is based on the fact that live bacteria are needed that help the stomach to function properly. once every 2 weeks I always unload on kefir. I decided to try the weekly program, where I promised to lose 10 kg in 7 days. Everything was done according to the description, there were no difficulties, honestly. Sometimes, of course, I wanted to eat , but appeased my hunger with kefir or water. As a result, when I got on the scale in the morning, after finishing the diet, the results were, of course, not less 10 kg, but only 5 kg. But I did not despair and decided to extend the diet for 9 days. In the end, I lost 7. 5 kg of weight. In general, I liked the result, as well as not trying too hard during this diet. Therefore, I advise this weight loss system ";
  • ". . . I read a lot about the effectiveness of losing weight with kefir, I tried unloading and sitting on it for 9 days. Got little results. And one forum advised kefir fasting: excellent for losing weight on the abdomen, hips, sides, legs, arms and for healing and general cleansing of the body. The principle is that for 4 weeks you use only kefir, sometimes with fruits, vegetables, cereals. On a kefir, the diet, especially for a month, did not suit me, I just changed idea after 1 week. I decided that I would not be able to feel weakness, malaise, avoid activity for the whole month. Therefore, I advise you to sit on kefir for no more than 9 days.

In general, kefir diet can be very cheap and simple, healthy and wholesome. So if you want to say goodbye to those extra pounds, a kefir diet is the best option!